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ESG Milestone | Lianhe Aigen obtained full B certification for the first time in CDP 2024 Climate Change, Water Security, and Forest Protection

Feb. 08, 2025

Recently, the international authoritative environmental non-profit organization CDP announced the results of climate change ratings of those companies who disclosed their data in 2024. Liane Aigen has achieved full B-level certification for the first time in the three major sectors of climate change, water safety and forest protection, becoming the leader in environmental governance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. This breakthrough progress marks the company's milestone achievements in building a systematic environmental management system and promoting green and low-carbon transformation.


CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is a global non-profit organization that manages environmental disclosure systems for companies, cities, states and territories around the world, and is one of the largest and most authoritative environmental disclosure platforms in the world. CDP has the world's largest database of environmental information, with more than 24,000 companies around the world disclosing data as of 2024, and CDP scores are widely used in investment and purchasing decisions, contributing to zero-carbon, sustainable, and resilient economic development.


The CDP rating is a high recognition by the international professional organization of the substantial progress made by Lianhe Aigen in the four areas of environmental governance, strategic planning, risk management, and indicator and target setting. It demonstrates Lianhe Aigen's continued commitment and core competitiveness in environmental transparency, green and low-carbon practices and sustainable development. In the future, we will continue to deepen our green and low-carbon initiatives, optimize our sustainable water management model, reduce our dependence on forest resources, and work with our global partners to create a sustainable and healthy future.

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