ADC/PROTAC Linker Platform
ADC/PROTAC Linker Platform
We are committed to providing diverse linker synthesis services for developing ADC/PROTAC drugs for innovative drug clients. We have experiences in delivering peptide, PEG, and other types of Linkers on gram to kilogram. At the same time, we can design and optimize the structure and synthetic route of linkers according to customer’s needs.
Our linkers includes
Protease-sensitive peptide cleavable linkers
Acid cleavable linkers such as hydrazone linkers, carbamate linkers, silyl ether linkers
Glutathione-sensitive disulfide cleavable linkers
Specific enzyme cleavable linkers
Non-cleavable linkers: SMCC crosslinkers
What Can We Help You?
We provide customers with one-stop CRDMO services covering the entire lifecycle of drugs.